Vredefeesten in Sint-Niklaas

Sint-Niklaas just can't do without model balloons - and that's why we took the long way to Flanders again in 2009, accompanied by Werner, who has more time again to accompany us to the many events since he retired from his job earlier that year.

The weather became continuously better during the event, and so, on Sunday afternoon, even a mass ascension of the big balloons was possible from the market place. The model balloons proved to be more wind-resistant again and could be seen on the Grote Markt every day. We had lots of fun, not only with our little balloons - Sint-Niklaas is famous for a perfect organisation as well as an extensive musical supporting programme. Nights were very short indeed!

The gala dinner on Sunday evening was the concluding highlight of the event to everybody - though we should have been really sad, as our Penguin fell victim to a Tyrannosaurus Rex shortly before...

We wish to say our heartfelt thanks to all organizers and supporters, especially to Luc and his family, for the wonderful hospitality! And as Jean Sax, patriarch and chairman of the organisation committee, said to Matthias during the gala dinner: "See you next year!"

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